Day 9 Gloucester  June 30, 2021

  Yesterday we went for a two hour sail on the 65-foot Thomas E Lannon schooner. It was named for the captain’s grandfather who was a Gloucester fisherman.  He built it from the ground up so to speak.  He even cut down the trees. It was built in the fashion of yesterday’s schooners from what we learned the day before about building schooners. It is held together using wooden spikes that are an eighth inch larger than the hole that is drilled. However this schooner did have a motor. The schooners we saw in Camden did not. This was a two-masted schooner and I helped hoist the sails. It was a pretty ride.

   With all of the fishing boats in Gloucester, I am surprised there are any fish left in the ocean. I know that they told us cod is almost no more. Guess it is good some of us don’t eat fish.

   The Coast Guard was doing their yearly inspection of our ship. So while we were sailing on the schooner, we saw our ship practicing certain drills that the Coast Guard wanted to see. One was “man overboard.” They used a dummy so no person had to jump into that 50 degree water. However the drill was a pain for us. They were inspecting the kitchen while we were trying to eat breakfast so getting our food was quite the wait. The ship is having staffing problems like the rest of the country. The food is excellent once it actually arrives. Last night I had prime rib which was fabulous and peanut butter pie which was absolutely sinful it was so delicious. Also while the Coast Guard was on board we had to wear our masks unless we were seated at a table to eat. Most had not been wearing a mask at all, but we all behaved so we did not return from our tours to find out luggage outside with a sign that said “the ship failed” so find a ride back to Boston. Luckily the shipped passed. The minute we sailed 90% ditched the mask wearing.

  In the afternoon, we went to Hammond Castle which was the home of John Hays Hammond Jr. He lived there for 35 years. He was in good shape because everything was on a different floor which was found by climbing winding staircases.  After three different flights I gave up and watched the movie about his life. This is not to mention the stairs one descends to get to the castle. The organ was truly amazing. They are trying to restore it.

More to follow,

Tom & Holly